FSPV: Fundamentals of Solar PV Design and Installation
Spring Sessions: March 10–14, 2025
Fall Session: September 9–13, 2024
Length: 40 Course Hours / 5 Days
Course Cost: $1,199
Payment plans are available. Registration fee includes lunch and parking each day of the course, a textbook, and a course notebook.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites to take this course.
Course Description: This 5-day course is dedicated to the fundamental technical aspects of solar photovoltaic (PV) design and installation. This includes a study of system types, components, applications, design and best practices for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. The first four days are taught in a classroom format and focus on cumulative technical theory. On the fifth day, participants engage in a hands-on installation of a fully integrated grid-tied, residential PV system.
NABCEP PV Associate Exam: The course is based on NABCEP’s Learning Objectives for NABCEP PV Associate. After completing the FSPV course, participants are eligible to sit for the NABCEP PV Associate Exam. This training counts toward the entry-level educational requirement (if other requirements are met) on the journey to a NABCEP Board Certification.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- Identify photovoltaic system components and system types
- Calculate electrical energy and power
- Identify optimum sites for solar electric systems
- Calculate electrical loads
- Correctly size system components
- Design series and parallel configurations for solar modules
- Design a basic grid-tied PV system
- Calculate PV system energy production
- Understand PV system equipment specification sheets
- Understand safety standards of installing PV systems
- Identify your competency level regarding the tasks on the NABCEP PV Associate Job Task Analysis and gauge readiness to take the NABCEP PV Associate Exam based on NABCEP PV Associate Learning Objectives.
ASPV: Advanced Solar PV Design and Installation
Spring Session: April 7–11, 2025
Fall Session: October 21–25, 2024
Length: 40 Course Hours / 5 Days
Course Cost: $1,499
Payment plans are available. Registration fee includes lunch and campus parking each day of the course and the course notebook.
Prerequisites: Completion of NCCETC’s FSPV course or a comparable fundamentals course or working knowledge of solar PV (i.e. currently working in the solar industry) is highly recommended before registering for this course.
Course Description: This 5-day advanced photovoltaics course covers advanced topics on design and installation of residential and commercial PV systems and delves into the details of electrical standards and codes. The bulk of this weeklong course covers topics relating to the National Electrical Code® (NEC) requirements for PV systems and prepares the participant for proper code compliance, wire sizing, equipment specifications, permit processing, commissioning, and other necessary steps in the design and installation phases of residential and commercial systems. Activities in this course include designing a multiple inverter commercial PV system, from choosing equipment to processing forms, and a tours of multiple commercial rooftop PV systems.
NABCEP PV Certifications: ASPV counts for up to 40 approved advanced credit hours needed to sit for multiple NABCEP Certification Exams. Please visit the course listing on NABCEP’s website for complete information.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- Apply grid-tied PV system design and understand DC/AC ratio and inverter clipping.
- Identify optimum sites for solar electric systems and accurately estimate power and energy production.
- Navigate and interpret NEC Article 690 and Article 705.
- Identify and interpret required disconnects, combiner specifications, and mechanical drawings.
- Calculate inter-row shading and wire sizing.
- Identify best practices for physical inspections, electrical testing, and commissioning.
- Troubleshoot ground faults.
- Design and draw a 3-line diagram for a multi-inverter commercial system.
Solar Storage
Spring Session: May 14–16, 2025
Fall Session: November 18–20, 2024
Length: 24 Course Hours / 3 Days
Course Cost: $799
Payment plans are available. Registration fee includes lunch and parking each day of the course, and the course notebook.
Prerequisites: Completion of NCCETC’s FSPV course or a comparable fundamentals course or working knowledge of solar PV (i.e. currently working in the solar industry) is highly recommended before registering for this course.
Course Description: This 3-day course covers fundamental principles of battery-based systems, including understanding customer needs and utility requirements; specifying and sizing a battery bank, inverters, and charge controllers for battery-based systems; defining system architecture and functionality; battery metering; and understanding the code implications of these systems. The various benefits and challenges of lithium chemistries and lead batteries are analyzed. The course will end with a tour of a commercial PV installation with a battery system.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- Perform a load analysis for sizing components of a PV system.
- Specify and size inverters, charge controllers for a battery-based system.
- Define system architecture options and functionality.
- Stand-alone and grid connected battery systems are explored.
- Understand construction drawings for battery systems.
- Add battery backup to existing grid direct PV system.
- Understand code implications of these systems.
- Explore the latest offerings in Energy Storage Systems.
O&M: Operations and Maintenance of PV Systems
Spring Session: May 12–13, 2025
Fall Session: November 14–15, 2024
Length: 16 Course Hours / 2 Days
Course Cost: $699
Payment plans are available. Registration fee includes lunch and parking each day of the course, and the course notebook.
Prerequisites: Completion of NCCETC’s FSPV course or a comparable fundamentals course or working knowledge of solar PV (i.e. currently working in the solar industry) is highly recommended before registering for this course.
Course Description: This 2-day course focuses on the operation and maintenance of grid connected photovoltaic systems. The first part of this course is taught in a classroom format and covers evaluating the performance of systems, including specific data collection and evaluation, as well as protocols for collection; arc flash requirements; finding ground faults; thermal imaging; IV curve tracing, and fuse servicing. The second part of the course involves various hands-on activities in which participants are able to practice and utilize the skills they have learned throughout the course.
Learning Objectives: At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:
- Take measurements to evaluate performance
- Test insulation resistance and find ground faults
- Interpret the fundamentals of IV curves
- Find underperforming/faulty modules and inverters
- Design an O&M work plan and protocol for safety
Hands-on Solar PV Lab
Spring Sessions: March 14, 2025
Fall Session: September 13, 2024
Length: 8 Course Hours / 1 Day
Course Cost: $299
Payment plans are available. Registration fee includes lunch.
Prerequisites: Completion of NCCETC’s FSPV course or a comparable fundamentals course or working knowledge of solar PV (i.e. currently working in the solar industry) is highly recommended before registering for this course.
Course Description: This day-long lab is held at NCCETC’s Solar Yard in Raleigh, NC and is for those who have taken the 40-hour FSPV online course or simply wish to gain more hands-on experience. This hands-on day begins with an overview of safety, system components, system design, and solar fundamentals. During the course of the lab, participants will be filling out “balance-of-system” worksheets to ensure comprehension of sound PV system design practices. Participants will also install a live, grid-tied PV system, from mounting the modules, to wiring the inverter, and finally, to commissioning the system.
REPD: Renewable Energy Project Development
Spring Session: May 19, 2025 – July 31, 2025
Length: 40 Course Hours / 10 Weeks
Individual Course Cost: $1000
Payment plans are available. Registration fee includes access to all course content.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites to take this course, although a working knowledge of solar PV is recommended.
Course Description: The goal of the 40-hour online Renewable Energy Project Development (REPD) course is to provide a sound foundation regarding existing renewable energy technology applications, solar fundamentals, and the business aspects of project development. The course also delves into the policies that currently dictate the market, the financial models involved in funding a project, and what considerations need to be made when developing a project.
This ten-week online course includes live and pre-recorded webinars and assignments completed virtually. Participants are required to submit a final project to successfully complete the course.
Learning objectives: At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- Understand the fundamentals of how solar energy technologies work.
- Describe renewable energy policy terminology.
- Understand how federal, state and local policies, incentives and regulations can affect the health of the renewable energy industry.
- Navigate the current financial landscape and assess different financial models.
- Evaluate the feasibility of a renewable energy project based on the available technologies, energy production, financial analysis for the project, and policies that will impact the success of the project.
Solar Policy and Finance Workshop
Length: 8 Course Hours / 1 Day
Individual Course Cost: $499*
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites to take this course, although a working knowledge of solar PV is recommended.
Course Description: This day-long class held in Raleigh, NC covers and overview of federal and North Carolina policies, policies that drive global and domestic markets, solar financial modeling, and ownership structures using tax credits.
*Registration fee includes lunch, parking, and a notebook!
Green Building & Energy Efficiency Self-Paced Courses Through Ed2Go
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