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Energy & Sustainability Services

The NC Clean Energy Technology Center offers business, industry, government and utilities a suite of services aimed at optimizing sustainability and energy-related objectives.

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Institutional and Policy Landscape for Solar-Plus-Storage Deployment by Electric Cooperatives

One of the first steps in planning and procurement for local utility storage or solar-plus-storage is to check for contractual and policy barriers that could affect the proposed acquisition. Incentives and new opportunities may also be unearthed. To support this early-stage effort, the SPECs project produced a white paper, which examines three levels of policy as they apply to the co-op sector and to local co-ops in particular. These include 1) state and local policies, 2) federal policies and related regional policies, and 3) policies and conventions that stem from institutions in the co-op sector, especially the relationships and agreements between local co-ops and their wholesale generating and transmission (G&T) suppliers. The objective of this paper is to identify and discuss the various policy and institutional factors that are relevant to the electric cooperative sector, and especially to local, distribution-level electric cooperatives (co-ops) that may be interested in procuring energy storage.

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NCCETC Programs & Services Overview

Learn more about what services and programs the NC Clean Energy Technology Center offers.


Community Solar Opportunities for Low to Moderate Income Households in the Southeast

This report was developed following a workshop held on December 11, 2017 in Raleigh, North Carolina to explore the opportunities and barriers to making community solar available for low income households. The North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center and the North Carolina Justice Center hosted Identifying Benefits, Barriers, and Solutions to Low-Income
Community Solar for Cooperative and Municipal Utilities in the Southeast, an in-person, half-day workshop with 38 attendees from 24 different organizations. The workshop participants represent a broad range of interests needed to address the challenges and opportunities for low to moderate income (LMI) community solar development in the Southeast.


Fayetteville Public Works Commission Community Solar in Practice Case Study 

Fayetteville Public Works Commission Community Solar in Practice Case Study


Energy Storage, Electric Vehicles & EV Charging Study for Fayetteville Public Works Commission

Energy Storage, Electric Vehicles & EV Charging Study for Fayetteville Public Works Commission | March 2020

N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center (NCCETC) staff members from the Clean Transportation, Policy, and Clean Power & Industrial Efficiency teams recently worked together to help produce an Energy Storage, Electric Vehicles (EVs) and EV Charging Study for Fayetteville Public Works Commission (PWC).

The Energy Storage, EV & EV Charging study provides information about energy storage applications and services, electric vehicle options and trends, electric vehicle charging, EV fleets, initiatives by other utilities, relevant legislative policy, grid impact, codes and standards, incentives and tariffs – all considerations to help establish strategic direction for Fayetteville PWC.


Fact Sheet: Electric Vehicle Charging

Learn all about electric vehicle charging types: AC Level 1, AC Level 2, and DC Fast Charging: Power levels, miles of range restored per hour of charge, cost, and more.


Get Recognized on the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE)

The Center now offers sponsors the opportunity to be recognized through DSIRE. The Center’s sponsors featured
on the DSIRE web page will have a unique opportunity to reach potential customers and partners in all sectors of the energy
market. DSIRE is viewed by approximately 80,000 unique electricity consumers, equipment installers and contractors, public
utilities, policy makers, and others every month.

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Fact Sheet: North Carolina Electric Vehicle Marketplace – Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles 2019/2020

Learn more about plug-in electric vehicles (PHEVs) available on the market today by viewing a list of a wide variety of vehicles as well as their model, price, range, battery capacity, charging time and more.


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Enhance your skills or begin a career change with one of our training classes!  The Center offers several training opportunities for professional development and the highest level of continuing education in renewable energy technologies.  Get started today. 

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