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Quarterly publication detailing electric power decarbonization and resource planning activity across the country. Includes a comprehensive review of all state and investor-owned utility actions related to power decarbonization studies and investigations, clean energy targets, emission reduction targets and carbon policies, generation planning and procurement rules, utility integrated resource plans, and electric generation capacity changes (including RFPs, utility green tariffs, utility requests for certificates of public convenience and necessity).


Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Development Assistance

The North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center (NCCETC) is now providing renewable energy development assistance to agricultural producers and rural small businesses in North Carolina. Through funding provided by the US Department of Agriculture’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), NCCETC will provide renewable energy assessments and related technical assistance to eligible facilities over the next two years.

Technologies eligible for the REDA project include biomass, geothermal for electric generation or direct use, small and large solar generation including solar-plus-storage, small and large wind generation, and hydrogen.

Renewable energy provides opportunities for cost savings, reliability, resilience and operational sustainability.


A Word to the Wise - Home Energy Upgrades with the Inflation Reduction Act

Congratulations, you’ve made the decision to upgrade your home and prioritize clean and efficient energy!
Review these tips to help you avoid some of the painful mistakes made by those who have gone before you.
Educate yourself about the many incentives (tax credits, rebates, deductions, etc.) that might be available to you, whether that is from your electric utility, locality, state, or the federal government.
Plus, read about the financial incentives offered to you under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) which can help reduce the cost of purchasing and installing your chosen upgrades.


Unas Palabras para el Sabio - Su Guía para Mejorar su Energía en la Casa con la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación

Felicitaciones, ¡ha tomado la decisión de mejorar su casa y priorizar la energía limpia y eficiente! Para estar lo más preparado posible, debe informarse sobre productos, diseños, prácticas de construcción, y empresas contratistas. Infórmese sobre los varios incentivos (por ejemplo, créditos fiscales, reembolsos, deducciones, etc.) que podrían estar disponibles para usted de su proveedor de electricidad y su gobierno local, estatal, o federal.


DSIREinsight Flyer: Providing comprehensive energy policy research and analysis across the U.S.

DSIREinsight provides policy research and analysis services to energy industry professionals DSIREinsight’s subscription services focus on distributed solar, grid modernization and energy storage, electric vehicles, and power decarbonization, as well as customized energy policy research. DSIREinsight services offer a deeper dive into U.S. clean energy policy, with an emphasis on new policies and policy changes under consideration across the country. The DSIREinsight team utilizes decades of personal and institutional experience to provide comprehensive energy policy intelligence.


NC Ride and Drive and Vehicle Display Guidebook for the General Public

This guidebook provides answers to frequently asked questions about hosting Ride & Drive and Vehicle Display events to target the general public.

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NC Ride and Drive Guidebook for Specialized Audiences

This guidebook provides answers to frequently asked questions about hosting Ride & Drive and Vehicle Display events to target specialized audiences.

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Find Your Path and Earn a Renewable Energy Technologies Diploma from the NCCETC Training Program

The Renewable Energy Technologies Diploma Series gives the participant a depth and breadth of knowledge needed to be successful in this industry. Earn 120 contact hours, or three 40-hour certificate courses to complete this non-degree program. Continuing education credits for different professionals are available.


2021-2022 NCCETC Annual Report


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