Alternative Fuel Vehicle Demonstration

Close-King Indoor Practice Facility Raleigh, NC

Learn more about electric and alternative fuel vehicles outside of the Close-King Indoor Practice Facility on Friday, September 28, and check out an ethanol-fueled car as well as a lineup of some of the latest electric vehicles and hybrid models that will be on display from local dealerships, including the Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt and […]


Webinar: Propane as a Transportation Fuel: Deployment Considerations, Best Practices and Best Applications

On Wednesday, January 23 from 2 to 3 p.m., join us for a free webinar on propane as a transportation fuel. Hear from the Propane Education Research Council (PERC), leading propane vehicle suppliers, and fleets that have successfully deployed propane as a transportation fuel. We will also learn about deployment considerations, best practices and best applications. PERC will provide a […]


Webinar: How Two Fleets Changed Their Entire Operation with Two Powerful Tools

On Wednesday, January 30 from 2 to 3 p.m., join us for another free Sustainable Fleet Webinar – hear from one fleet that went from the #99 Best Fleet in North America to #4 using one, powerful transformative tool. This tool is not for sale. It is FREE to use in your own operation. You can’t afford to […]


Sustainable Fleet Webinars: Telematics Applications for Fleets

Telematics is a powerful tool that allows fleets real-time monitoring and information regarding any activity or metric that is important to their business and operations. Applications and benefits include driver safety and behavior, asset management, maintenance, route optimization, security, liability protection, lower costs, and increased efficiency. Please join us on March 28 from 2 to 3 […]


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