Solar Storage Workshop (VIRTUAL)


This three-day onsite workshop will cover fundamental principles of battery based systems. At the end of the class, participants will be able to assist in designing and installing a residential […]


EPRI Electrification 2021 Virtual Forum Series: Frontiers of e-Mobility

These forums will enable comprehensive collaboration and informative exchanges on the issues specific to your organization’s work, enabling progress on targeted, real-world end-use electrification solutions. We look forward to your joining […]

Join Us for an Overview of Fixed-Bottom Offshore Wind

Virtual Webinar: June 16, 2021, 1 p.m. ET Join WETO’s WINDExchange initiative for a webinar where NREL offshore wind researcher Walt Musial will introduce offshore wind fixed-bottom foundation technology. The […]

Farming Solar Farms: Exploring Solar Grazing With Sheep


North Carolina’s solar industry is the 3rd fastest growing in the country so whether you’re a seasoned sheep producer or just exploring ways to diversify your farm there are growing […]

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