SFT Webinars: Video Telematics Applications & Benefits
VirtualPlease join us on Thursday, May 05, 2022, from 2:00p-3:00p EDT/11:00a-12:00p PDT for an SFT Webinar on Video Telematics. When first introduced telematics was associated with GPS--vehicle location and speed information. However, it is much more than that. It provides real time information of any type that is of importance to understanding a vehicle's use, […]
SFT Webinars: Creating a Culture for Change & Gaining Buy-In
VirtualPlease join us on Thursday, August 04, 2022, from 2:00p-3:00p EST/11:00a-12:00p PST for an SFT Webinar on Creating a Culture for Change & Gaining Buy-In. Fleet management is dynamic with constant change. Integration of new strategies and technologies is imperative to stay competitive and to meet the growing demands of your customers. Key to successful integration and deployment […]