Gulf Coast Power Association
Gulf Coast Power Association Houston, TXREPV Workshop
VRB-1325-NCCETC-Module 5 Training RoomWith the option to have a stronger student-instructor relationship by taking this course in person, REPV will introduce students to the technical aspects of photovoltaics. This includes system types, components, applications, design and best practices for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. A hands-on day is offered at the conclusion of the course where students will but […]
Operations & Maintenance Workshop
VRB-1325-NCCETC-Module 5 Training RoomThis 2-day workshop will cover: evaluating performance of systems, including specific data collection and evaluation, as well as protocols for collection; arc flash requirements; finding ground faults; thermal imaging; IV curve tracing and fuse servicing. Click here to learn more. more details» copy to my calendar
Triangle Clean Cities Stakeholder Meeting
4307 Emperor Blvd, Suite 110 Durham NC 4307 Emperor Blvd, Suite 110, Durham, NCmore details» copy to my calendar
VRB-1321-NCCETC-Module 5 Conference RoomThe Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Analyst and Envelope Professional course will teach you basic principles of building science to assess energy efficiency in a home while also monitoring conditions that have a direct impact on human health and safety. The course will end with you earning your BPI Certification. BPI Standards emphasize the ‘house-as-a-system’ […]
NEC for PV Course Begins
OnlineClick here to learn more. more details» copy to my calendar
Sustainable Fleet Technology Conference
Raleigh Convention Center Raleigh, NCThe Sustainable Fleet Technology Conference is a regional event focused on providing information related to advanced fuels, vehicles, and technologies that help reduce emissions for vehicle fleets.
Clean Transportation Coordinating Committee Meeting
The meeting is focused on advancing proliferation and adoption of alternative fuels and advanced transportation technologies throughout the state of North Carolina.
Innovations in Wood Energy Workshop and Tour
Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center 455 Research Drive, Mills River, NCThis one-day workshop focuses on building sustainable wood energy markets in the North Carolina Appalachian and foothills region. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the state of the energy market, review related case studies, understand resource availability and participate in a short rotation, wood crops field tour.